S.C. Wilson, Sr., Logan Wilson, and S.R. Warner Endowed Scholarship For Agriculture

The S.C. Wilson, Sr., Logan Wilson, and S.R. Warner Endowed Scholarship was established by the estate of S. Calhoun Wilson and Adelaide Holt Wilson in 1994. Samuel Calhoun Wilson received his bachelor of science degree in physics from Sam Houston Normal Institute in 1929 and was the Director of Agriculture at Sam Houston for 29 years. For a number of those years Sam Houston Normal Institute was the only normal school in the United States that was authorized to give teacher training in vocational agriculture. Logan Wilson, retired president of the University of Texas, received his undergraduate degree from SHNI in 1926. Dr. Seldon R. Warner joined the SHNI biology faculty in 1912 and was the first faculty member at Sam Houston to hold the Ph.D. degree.

Agricultural Sciences