College of Science and Engineering Technology Graduate Achievement Scholarship

The COSET Graduate Achievement Scholarship supports current graduate students within the College of Science and Engineering Technology. This award is in the amount of $1,500.00 and will be disbursed across the student’s second academic year. To be eligible, students must be entering into their second academic year of an approved COSET graduate program and have an established graduate level GPA at SHSU.

The deadline to apply for the upcoming fall/spring (2025-2026) award is July 1. Applications submitted after this date will not be considered.

College of Sciences and Engineering Technology
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please select the degree/program you are pursuing
  2. Please enter your Graduate GPA (If you do not have a Graduate GPA yet, enter 0.0).
  3. Are you now, or will you be, on a Graduate Assistantship in term of application?
  4. Please upload a brief personal statement (limit 1000 characters).
  5. By providing my name below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the minimum requirements for consideration of the indicated scholarship and understand the deadline for application submission of the indicated scholarship. I also understand that all COSET Graduate Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis – submission of application does not guarantee award.