Kenneth Wren Memorial Scholarship

Kenneth Wren graduated from Sam Houston State University in 1956 with a Bachelor of Science degree in vocational agriculture. While a student at Sam Houston he helped pay his way through school working on the waxing crew, waxing floors in buildings across campus.
He married Patsy Jean Baker of Mart in November 1957. The have a son, Mitchell, born in September 1958 and daughter, Melissa, born in October 1959. Kenneth worked 35 years in public education. He started as a vocational agriculture teacher working half days in Prairie Hill and Ben Hur in central Texas. The following year he taught Vo Ag and coached basketball at Latexo before moving to Frost, Texas as an Ag Teacher and FFA advisor. In 1963, he moved the family to Marlin, Texas where he continued teaching until serving as the vocational director at Marlin ISD in 1973. In 1981 he and Patsy moved to Teague, Texas. Both were a part of the Mexia ISD where Kenneth served as the vocational director until his retirement.

Kenneth was a loving husband, father, and provider. He devoted his life to agriculture, raising cattle, farming the land and teaching the youth of Texas. When he and Patsy moved to Teague, they built a house near Kenneth’s childhood home. He continued to farm land that has been in the Wren family for over 100 years. Freestone County was his home. He patiently and methodically worked to return to his roots.
Kenneth died of renal cell cancer in June 2013. This endowed scholarship is to honor his memory.

Agricultural Sciences