Robert L. and Toni Fault Bruner Endowed Scholarship

The Robert L. and Toni Faulk Bruner Scholarship Endowment was established by Toni Carol Faulk Bruner of Huntsville, Texas. Toni Faulk came to Sam Houston in the fall of 1958 following graduation from LaVega High School in Waco. She chose to major in Journalism with minors in English and History. She and Robert Bruner met on the first day of the second semester in January 1959. He transferred from The University of Houston following graduation from Jeff Davis High School in Houston. Robert had a desire to major in both Agriculture and in Business but there was no such program at the time at Sam Houston. He contacted Dr. James Gilmore in the Business Department who was instrumental in writing such a program. Robert was the first student to declare Agriculture-Business as his major. Throughout his life and until his death, Robert served the agriculture and cattle industry in various leadership roles with numerous organizations. He was a strong promoter of soil fertility and maintained active participation in water conservation and planning as an appointed member of the coordinating body for Regional Group H of the Texas Water Development Board. As a steadfast advocate for education, Robert enjoyed working with a variety of entities, including his alma mater, Sam Houston State University. Toni continued her education and obtained a Master of Education in elementary education and early childhood in 1973. She taught at the SHSU kindergarten lab school, worked in real estate, and was a “right-hand” man to Robert in their ranching endeavors. Both Robert and Toni loved Huntsville, the people in the community, and the opportunities they had to participate in various organizations.

Agricultural Sciences