John Clifton, Wilma, and John Charles McAdams Memorial Scholarship

The John Clifton, Wilma, and John Charles McAdams Memorial Scholarship was established by Shirley Elder of Huntsville, Texas. This scholarship is being established in loving memory of the donor’s parents and brother in order to provide financial assistance to selected students who meet the selection criteria. John Clifton McAdams was born in 1916. He had a third-grade education and was a “jack of all trades”. He believed in education and hard work. He passed away in 1998. Wilma McAdams was born in 1920 and married John Clifton McAdams in 1940. She graduated from high school and, with John, raised five children: John McAdams, William McAdams, Phyllis McAdams LaRue, Shirley McAdams Elder, and Mickey McAdams. The couple worked hard and often did without for their children. Their son, John Charles McAdams, attended Sam Houston State University and on April 27, 1965, while he was in gym class, broke his neck. The injury left him paralyzed from the neck down and he remained in the hospital for twelve weeks, followed by a rehabilitation center for a year. Despite these challenges, John returned to Sam Houston State University with the assistance of his brother and received his Bachelor of Business Administration degree in 1970. Later, he returned and received a Master of Science in Accounting degree and went on to teach accounting at San Jacinto College.
