Justin Perdue Memorial Endowed Scholarship

The Justin Perdue Memorial Scholarship was established by James and Suzanne Perdue in memory of their son, Justin Michael Perdue, who was tragically killed in a skiing accident in August 2002. Justin was a sophomore criminal justice major at Sam Houston at the time of his death. Book marked in his bible sitting next to his bed was John 14:28, which reads " You heard me say, ‘I am going away and I am coming back to you.’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I". It is important to me that I give something to Justin, since I have received so much from him over the years. Justin would have been thrilled to be a part of this scholarship and the lives touched as a result. He joyfully gave and shared his entire life to others. Our desire is for the recipients of this scholarship use it as an opportunity to enrich their lives both educationally and spiritually. Justin understood that life was more than just books and G.P.A. We hope that scholarship recipients enjoy their time with family and friends, showing how important they are lo them. Creating new experiences and meaningful relationships with others. Justin will always be with us, just continue to look for HIS signs and follow without question. You never know what your kind deed or smile may mean to someone in need.
Live loud, Dream Big

It is the Donor’s intent to provide one or more annual scholarship awards at a minimum of $500 each to be announced in the spring and disbursed the following academic year, half in the fall and the remaining half in the spring semester. This scholarship was established to assist with education expenses.

College of Criminal Justice