Harmon Lowman Endowed Scholarship

The endowed scholarship fund is established to honor and memorialize the life of Dr. Harmon Lowman and his 22 years of exemplary service to Sam Houston State University as its president from 1941 (inaugurated October 24, 1942) until his death in January 1964, and to provide financial assistance to worthy students. At the time of his death, Dr. Lowman bad the longest tenure of any president of state-supported colleges or universities, and was often referred to as the “dean of college presidents in Texas.” He was also known as “a student’s president.” Campus organizations paid him special honor, and seldom did Dr. Lowman appear before a college assembly without receiving a standing ovation from the students. In return for his students’ affections, Lowman often said, “I would rather be president of Sam Houston State than president of the United States.” In 1959, Dr. Lawman’s special place in the affections of the university faculty and staff, and in the community, was demonstrated at an appreciation dinner honoring Dr. Lowman for his contributions to education in Texas. The faculty and employees presented Dr. and Mrs. Lowman with a check at the dinner to finance a three-month trip to Europe and the Holy Land. Other tributes paid to Dr. Lowman during his tenure included naming a new student union building the Lowman Student Center in 1963; earlier, the Wesley Foundation dedicated its Lowman Chapel, named for Dr. and Mrs. Lowman.

$1000 F/S F-$500/S-$500
Academic Affairs