Lambda Alpha Epsilon Scholarship

The Delta Chi chapter of the American Criminal Justice Association Lambda Alpha Epsilon has been apart of Sam Houston State University since 1976 and has over 60 active members. Our members participate in various community service projects. We have donated clothes to children in Botswana, helped keep Texas clean by adopting a two mile stretch of Highway 30 located right outside of Huntsville, participated in the Relay for Life to help fight breast cancer, donated our time to the Rita B. Huff Humane society and local nursing homes. The association has helped criminal justice majors and minors gain experience in the field of criminal justice with regional and national competitions where they can compete in events such as crime scene investigation, physical agility, firearms and a series of academic and written competitions. The American Criminal Justice Association lambda Alpha Epsilon has active chapters in over 75% of the states with over 4,500 active members both at the collegiate and professional level .

College of Criminal Justice