Drs. Wilfred and Bobbie Dietrich Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Wilfred Dietrich earned his Bachelor of Arts in history in 1947 and his Master of Arts in English in 1948 from Sam Houston State Teachers College. He earned his doctoral degree from East Texas State University in 1978. He and Bobbie both enjoyed postgraduate drama studies at Sam Houston State University. Wilfred Dietrich was an educator for 58 years. He and Bobbie are founding organizers of the Brenham Heritage Museum, acquiring exhibits, volunteering and assisting. He is the author of three books on Washington County history. His civic involvement has been extensive through educational, historical and church-related organizations. The Lions Club, scouting, the University Interscholastic League, Brenham Manifest, the arts and several other endeavors have been the focus of his attention over the years. Dr. Bobbie Morrow Dietrich was born July 14, 1927 in Pee/town, Kaufman County, Texas. later the family moved to Kaufman where she attended the First Baptist Church. Forty years of her life were devoted to teaching. Eleven of these years were spent teaching for the American School System. She also taught in many countries. Dr. Dietrich published several books and published articles in professional magazines. Her greatest writing project is when the Daughters American Revolution published her article entitled “Claude Phillipe de Richebourge: A Sense of Noblesse Oblidge.” Her greatest place of volunteering was the George Bush Presidential Library where she earned more than 3500 hours. She attended nearly all of the special functions and special programs. The highlight was attending the opening of the Library in 1997.

Academic Affairs