Dr. Sallie Griffis Helms Memorial Scholarship

Sallie Griffis Helms, Ph.D., departed this world in peace on March 15, 2013. The cause of her death was pancreatic cancer. During her 61 years on this earth, Sallie was privileged to share her life with her beloved husband of 35 years, William Charles Helms, and cherished sons, William Travis Helms and Chase McKnight Helms. Her “three angels” were the lights of her life. Sallie earned her Ph.D. in Counselor Education from Sam Houston State University (2011). Dr. Helms was particularly proud of this accomplishment. Her singular and innovative dissertation is currently being edited for publication as a book. Integrating post-modern theory and collaborative research methodology, Dr. Helms’ project was grounded in a commitment Lo privileging the voices of the English Language Learners and Paraprofessionals in A/dine School District with whom she worked. For her courage. integrity of spirit, and inspiring strength, Sallie was granted the Evolving Eve Award by Houston Women’s Magazine at the sixth annual HER Awards celebration (2012). A culmination of an entire life dedicated to the pursuit of serving and empowering others, !he accolade was given in testimony to the both powerful commitment and resilience Dr. Helms demonstrated in finishing her dissertation in a brief season of remission, – and to the deeper witness her faith and altruistic character have been for countless others.

Counselor Education