Marcus Luttrell Military Science Scholarship

In June 2005, on a barren mountain high in the Taliban-infested Hindu Kush, Luttrell and three fellow Navy SEALs, Murphy, Dietz and Axelson. began their mission -to locate and possibly take out an important Taliban leader hiding in the Afghan village below. Within hours of their position being revealed by three goatherds more than 100 Taliban fighters descended on the SEAL team. In the terrible gun battle that followed, Murphy, Axelson and Dietz died. Luttrell was severely wounded. A few miles away. a Taliban grenade brought down a rescue helicopter on its way to help the trapped men, killing all 16 aboard. It was the worst day in the 40-year history of the Navy SEALs. Marcus joined the US. Navy in 1999, shortly after attending SHSU He and became a combat-trained SEAL in January 2002. Marcus wrote the book “Lone Survivor, The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10”, to pay tribute to his friends’ heroism. It is one of the most gripping and heartbreaking descriptions of heroism in combat to come out of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
John Adkins, "I was so moved by Mr. Luttrell ’s account of Operation Redwing in his book “Lone Survivor” I felt compelled lo start and initiate a scholarship and endowment fund in honor of Marcus and in memory of his SEAL Team buddies and Special Forces personnel whom perished in what has become the worst single day loss of life in SEAL Team history. As an Alumnus of Sam Houston (class of ’82), I desire to give back to the institution al which I obtained my undergraduate r degree in criminology and corrections for what I feel is an extremely worthy endeavor."
Jo Ellen Stevenson, "The military personnel who put their lives on the line for the freedom we have are remarkable. Their bravery and courage are beyond my comprehension; but acknowledged and appreciated. Luttrell and all those involved (alive and dead) deserve recognition. Like John Adkins who had the idea for this scholarship, I am an alumnus of Sam Houston and desire to honor them and give back by this scholarship. "

Military Science
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please submit your essay about the lessons your learned from the book "Lone Survivor."