Schoppe Family College of Education Endowed Scholarship

Thomas Schoppe and his wife, Etta Ahrens Schoppe, moved to Huntsville, Texas, in 1912 so that Thomas could attend Sam Houston Normal Institute to receive a certificate of education. Etta Schoppe took in washing and ironing so that the teaching certificate goal could be met. After receiving his teaching certificate, Thomas taught in many school districts in the State of Texas. Each move was a step up the ladder in the public school system. He retired in Port Arthur, Texas, after serving as county school superintendent. Thomas and Etta Schoppe had seven children. Each was taught from birth four very important lessons. First, to love and to serve your God. Second, to love, honor, respect and take care of the family. Third, you owe two years of your life in the service of your country. And fourth, you need an education and you better figure out how you ‘re going to get ii. All of us have been successful in our educations and careers. Of the seven children, the donor was the only one who selected Sam Houston State Teachers College as their place of higher education. This was accomplished in 1956 by studying to earn scholarships and by working several jobs on campus and at the penitentiary. The donor’s father was the consummate teacher. His greatest joy was to see the light come on when a student would grasp the lesson being taught. So it is with great pleasure that in some way this gift of endowment will provide future teachers the opportunity after receiving their education at Sam Houston State University to see the lights coming on in their own students ’ eyes.

College of Education Dean's Office